

asterisk-flite is a Flite text-to-speech module for the Asterisk open-source PBX.

This provides the "Flite" dialplan application, which allows you to use the Flite TTS Engine with Asterisk. It invokes the Flite TTS engine locally via the Flite C API, and uses it to render text to speech.


Installation is a 3-part process:

Some of these packages may already be present on your system. Please also refer to the README file included in the source archive.

1. Install Asterisk development files

This module was developed for Asterisk 1.4 or earlier.

Installing Asterisk development files with yum (Fedora) [−]
  1. In a terminal, enter:
    yum install asterisk-devel
    This will install the development files needed to build asterisk-flite.

Installing Asterisk from source [−]

Please refer to the documentation that comes with Asterisk for this procedure. It is recommended, however, to use your distribution's version of Asterisk (if available).

2. Install Flite

This module was developed for Flite 1.3. However, the makefile included in this version of Flite does not properly support ALSA or build shared libraries, and needs to be patched. Before doing this, check if your OS distribution provides an already-patched version of Flite, and rather install that if it is the case. For instance, Fedora, ALTLinux and Mandriva all provide appropriate Flite packages; in these cases, simply install the development package of flite (usually called "flite-devel" or something similar).

Installing Flite development files with yum (Fedora) [−]
  1. In a terminal, enter:
    yum install flite-devel
    This will install the development files needed to build asterisk-flite.

Installing and patching Flite 1.3 from source [−]
  1. Download Flite 1.3
  2. Download patch to enable Flite 1.3 to build shared libraries and save it in the same directory as flite-1.3-release.tar.gz
  3. Download patch to enable ALSA support for Flite 1.3 and save it in the same directory as the previous patch file
  4. In a terminal, go to the directory where the files were saved
  5. Extract flite:
    tar -xzvf flite-1.3-release.tar.gz
  6. Change to the extracted flite directory:
    cd flite-1.3-release
  7. Apply the patches:
    patch -p1 < ../flite-1.3-sharedlibs.patch
    patch -p1 < ../flite-1.3-alsa_support.patch
  8. Apply the patches:
    patch -p1 < ../flite-1.3-sharedlibs.patch
    patch -p1 < ../flite-1.3-alsa_support.patch
  9. Configure & compile flite:
    ./configure --enable-shared --with-audio=alsa
  10. Install flite to the system:
    su -c 'make install'

3. Install asterisk-flite

Installing asterisk-flite RPM (Fedora) [−]
  1. Download the latest asterisk-flite RPM
  2. In a terminal, go to the directory where the file was saved
  3. Install the asterisk-flite module (your filename may be slightly different):
    rpm -Uhv asterisk-flite-0.5-1.rpm

Installing asterisk-flite from source [−]
  1. Download the latest version of asterisk-flite
  2. In a terminal, go to the directory where the file was saved
  3. Extract asterisk-flite (the filename may be different from the example below):
    tar -xzvf asterisk-flite-0.5.tar.gz
  4. Build the asterisk-flite module for your version of Asterisk:

    For Asterisk 1.4.x:

    For Asterisk 1.2 or Asterisk 1.0:
    or if using Asterisk 1.0:

  5. Install the asterisk-flite module:
    su -c 'make install'


Type "core show application flite" at the Asterisk CLI prompt (or "show application flite" if you are using Asterisk < 1.4).

asterisk-flite has been designed to use the same syntax as the standard "festival" application that ships with Asterisk.


Other Asterisk applications/extension modules by the author of this module: Logo